奉獻 offering
因 為 萬 物 都 從 祢 而 來 , 我 們 把 從 祢 而 得 的 獻 給 祢 。
歷 代 志 上 29:14
Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.
1 Chronicles 29:14
- 放入奉獻箱
- 郵遞支票
- 請附上一張便條,寫上你的奉獻號碼、姓名、地址、聯絡電話號碼及/或電郵地址並註明各項奉獻分配 (常費, 建堂, 宣教, 慈惠, 其他) 及銀碼
- 支票抬頭收票人(Payable to)寫為
“Markham Christian Community Church”
- 郵寄至教會:
77 Milliken Meadows Dr.
Markham, On
L3R 0V5
Attn.: Finance Office
- 請勿郵寄現金
- 電子轉帳 (Interac eTransfers)
若你想使用電子轉帳(Interac eTransfers)
- 以下是教會的資料
- 名字: Markham Christian Community Church
- 電子轉帳專用電郵: mccc.offering@gmail.com (請小心確認核實這電郵地址),
- 請在註明欄(Message or Note)內填上奉獻者奉獻號碼 , 奉獻者姓名, 各項奉獻分配(常費, 建堂, 宣教, 慈惠, 其他)及銀碼
- 教會已經設定了自動存入 (Auto-deposit)。故此你不需設定保密問題,奉獻將自動存入教會戶口。
- 跟著你會從你的銀行收到電郵通知確認轉帳。
- 透過Benevity奉獻
- 兄姊若近期曾更改地址或從未於奉獻封寫上地址或想確認郵寄地址,請聯絡執事。
- 查詢有關奉獻查詢請電郵至 mccc@markhamchurch.com或在辦公時間內致電
905-479-3322 聯絡教會行政同工。
Ways to Give
- Offering Box
Put Offering envelopes in the offering box at church.
- Mail In Cheques
If you wish to mail cheques to church,
- send your cheque along with a slip indicating your offering number, official name, mailing address, contact phone number/email address fund allocation (General Fund, Building & Capital Fund, Missions Fund, Benevolence Fund, Other Fund)
- Payable to “Markham Christian Community Church”
- Church mailing address:
- Please do not mail out Cash
- Interac eTransfers
If you wish to do Interac eTransfers,
- Please use the following details:
- Payment to: Markham Christian Community Church to your Recipient List
- Email Address: mccc.offering@gmail.com
- In the “Message” or “Notes” Column, indicate your offering number, official name and fund allocation (General Fund, Building & Capital Fund, Missions Fund, Benevolence Fund, Other Fund)
- NOTE: MCCC has setup interac e-transfer to auto deposit, so there is no need for you to enter a Security Question or Answer.
- Later you will receive an email confirmation from your bank.
- Benevity Offering
Click to the button below to learn about Benevity Offering.
- If you have never given your mailing address to us, have changed your address recently and/or would like to confirm your official names/address on your offering receipt, please contact BOA.
- Got Questions?
For all offering enquiries, please contact:
mccc@markhamchurch.comor contact the church
administrator at 905-479-3322 during office hours.
To request Offering Number, please click the button on the right.