English sunday Service
march 2, 2025
sermon topic:
The Hand of God
Scripture: Ezra 7:1-10
Speaker: Pastor Quang Nguyen
Main points:
- What Does the Hand of God do for us?
- The hand of God gives us courage.
- The hand of God moves us to serve.
- The hand of God protects us.
The hand of God will be on us when the Word of God is in us.
Personal Reflection/Group Discussion Questions:
- Where do you need the hand of God to give you courage? Where is there something in your life that you know you need to do? You know you need to face this but you don’t feel that you have the strength to do it?
- Where is the hand of God moving you to serve somewhere right now?
- Where has the hand of God protected you in the past or is protecting you now?
- “The hand of God will be on us when the Word of God is in us.” How can you get more of the Word of God in you? Think about specific ways not just I will read the Bible more. What book? What verses to memorize? What speakers to listen to? Etc.
English sunday Service
february 23, 2025
sermon topic:
Navigating Set Backs
Scripture: Ezra 4:1-6
Speaker: Pastor Crystal Tse
Main points:
- Analyze where God is leading you
- Be Ready in the Waiting
- Call out to your Community
Personal Reflection/Group Discussion Questions:
- Think back on where God has led you and reassess where God is calling you now. What short-term, long-term or developmental/ongoing goals is God calling you to?
- A Waiting Period is when God has not called you to change anything yet but he’s telling you to stay diligent in your faith. What are ways that you can stay focused on Him? What steps can you take to continue on God’s path for you?
- Who are the people that you can reach out to? In your everyday life (workplace, school, home) or in your church community? Find people to keep you accountable in every facet of your life but also find people you can encourage and build up.
English sunday Service
february 16, 2025
sermon topic:
Restoring Right Relations with God and Others
Scripture: Numbers 5:5-10
Speaker: Rev. Daniel Lee
Main points:
Living God-Centered lives means that…
- For there to be restoration with God, there must be sacrifice.
- For there to be restoration there ought to be restitution.
- For there to be restoration there needs to be confession.
Personal Reflection/Group Discussion Questions:
- Do you on a daily basis spend time on reflection and confession so that there are no sins in your life that have not been made right with God?
- What have you done with Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross for your sin? What does His death mean to you and how will you live your life in light of the fact?
- Is there any guilt that you are holding onto from wrongs that you have done to others? Will you seek forgiveness and reconciliation with those you have wronged? If so, how and what are you willing to do to make amends?
English sunday Service
february 9, 2025
sermon topic:
Return – The Priority of Worship
Scripture: Ezra 3:1-13
Speaker: Pastor Amy Ho
Main points:
- The Altar: Offering Yourself to God
- The Feast: Rejoicing in What God Has Done
- The Temple: Trusting the Promise of God’s Presence
Personal Reflection/Group Discussion Questions:
- Offering Yourself to God – The Altar represents complete surrender to God. In what areas of your life are you holding back from fully offering yourself to God? How can you daily renew your commitment to Him?
- Rejoicing in What God Has Done – The Feast of Tabernacles was a time of joyful remembrance. How often do you take time to reflect on and celebrate God’s faithfulness in your life? What specific ways can you cultivate joy in His past and present blessings?
- Trusting in God’s Presence – The temple symbolized the presence of God among His people. In times of uncertainty or hardship, how do you seek and trust in God’s presence? What steps can you take to deepen your awareness of His presence in your daily life?
English sunday Service
february 2, 2025
sermon topic:
Return – A New Beginning
Scripture: Ezra 1:1-11
Speaker: Pastor Amy Ho
Main points:
- A New Beginning after a long period of Disruption
- A New Passion after a long period of Discouragement
- 3. A New Challenge after a long period of Stability
Personal Reflection/Group Discussion Questions:
- Where in my life do I need a new beginning after a period of disruption?
- Just as God gave His people a fresh start after their exile, is there an area in my life where I feel stuck or discouraged that God might be calling me to restart with renewed faith?
- Has my spiritual life been rising or declining like the tide?
- The sermon highlights how spiritual life fluctuates over time. Have I been experiencing a season of spiritual passion, or have I become complacent and in need of renewal?
- Am I willing to step out of stability and comfort to follow God’s call?
- Many exiles chose to remain in Babylon rather than return to Jerusalem. Am I holding onto a comfortable but spiritually stagnant life when God might be calling me into something new and uncertain?